does my head look big in this torrent Anyone who tunes in to the battle between Microsoft and the world expecting to see a good old fashioned fight for marketplace domination is going to miss the real excitement. Sure, Linux, newBSD, Open does my head look big in this torrent, NetBSD, Mach, and the thousands of other new software projects are going to come out swinging. Microsoft is going to counterpunch with thousands of patents defended by armies of lawyers. Some of the pro grammers might even he a bit weird, and a few will be entitled to wear the adjective "ragtag." But the real revolution has on to do with whether Bill Gates keeps his title as King of the l l ill. lt has on to do with whether the programmers stay up late and work in the nude. It has
does my head look big in this torrent with poor grooming, extravagant beards, Coke—bottle glasses, black trench coats, or any of the other stereotypes that fuel the medias image.